The slope and grade of the ground can greatly affect how well mini-storage facilities are built helpful resources. Build a mini-storage unit? Here’s a guide to making the most out of the grade, so your customers will think of you when they hear Zu Mi Ni Cang. :
Slope the Land for Effective Drainage. Take advantage of slopes to ensure effective drainage. It is impossible for water to accumulate and damage the storage unit or the area without a properly constructed drainage.
When planning the layout of the storage units, it is important to consider the slope of the site. Verify that storage units are positioned levelly and have drive-up access for easy access.
Making the Best of the Space: Make Use of the Grade to Maximize Space in the Mini Storage Facility. The capacity of an existing facility can be increased by building a storage unit with several floors on a slope.
Driveways Should Be Designed To Fit The Gradient. When planning parking lots and driveways, it is important to consider the gradient. Verify, for instance, that driveways have a flat surface and that vehicles are able to easily enter or exit storage units.
Use Retaining WALLS to Create Level Surfaces: If your property is on a steep slope, use retaining wALLS to create flat surfaces where you can place the storage units. Retaining wall designs are another method to achieve aesthetically pleasing and functional designs.
You can improve security at the mini-storage by using the grade. The containers can be placed on a slope to create a natural wall that makes it difficult for attackers.