North Shore is not a stranger to changing seasons. This means that the homeowners will have to face a whole new set of challenges with their flooring. Every new season has its own set of challenges for maintaining floors. Many residents, juggling work and family, ask about tile maintenance.
This isn’t rocket science. But it does have its tricks – get the facts!
Spring is here, and the pollen that it brings with it covers everything. The beautiful blossoms are stunning, but their pollen is not. Not very much. When springtime brings the floral shower of tile cleaning, begin with a simple sweep. Dust and other debris are to blame, so use your broom with a vengeance. Sweep as often as possible to stay in front of the pollen storm. Regular dry mopping can keep finer particles at bay. Your tiles will be like fish scales under the sunlight.
In the summer, you can expect heat waves and backyard barbeques. The sticky footprints left by barbecues will also be on your floors. It’s easy to make your own cleaning solution using vinegar, water, a bit of dish detergent, and some dishwashing liquid. It’s like a lemonade-like treat for your tiles. The refreshing taste cuts through grease. It’s time to mop your floors. Dancing with your mop is like the finale of a summer romcom. And removing any traces of last night’s barbecue.
Autumn comes to the North Shore and blankets it in shades of reds, golds, and browns. While it is gorgeous, you can “leave” your clean floors to the autumn. Every time you sweep up fallen leaves, dampness will creep in. The muck will be removed by a quick sweep. Always keep doormats around. They are like knights protecting the floors. If you have any heavy stains on your floors, baking soda can be gently scrubbed to remove them.
Carpet Cleaning Sydney
38 Canoon Rd, South Turramurra NSW 2074, Australia
0413 194 766