Each time I start writing about relationships, I am reminded that, as animals, we’re guided by a primitive biological programming. The purpose of this programming is of ensuring the longevity of the species, which is usually seen as a result of reproduction. Check this out!
If viewed from a higher view, our interactions with people who are not of our gender are described as fulfilling, romantic and intellectual. They can also be exciting enjoyable, entertaining, and educational. These higher roles are the ones we love because we are the highest forms of living. It is possible that we are the most advanced form of living on the planet, even though I’ve encountered whales and dolphins who don’t agree with this description. It is crucial to realize that our instincts lie at the heart of everything that we do.
We aren’t creatures, and we consider the relationships we have with our loved ones as the most important thing in our lives. It is a pain when love for one’s partner is fading with time. Everyday events in our life take on their own importance as rivals to love.
Do you remember your first crush from high school. You changed from an innocent, rational person to someone with stars in their eyes in a matter of minutes. It was impossible to focus on any other thing but the person you were now in love with. It was difficult to sleep or eat, and it was even more difficult to keep an ordinary relationship. This was not the end of your relationship, and when the relationship ended, you experienced an unsettling sensation that was referred to as broken heart. It was possible that you thought your life was ended and that the world was over. After a while healing, your wounds were healed and you reverted to “normal”. In reality you could think of a new relationship with a different person. You had promised you that this time around you would “do it right” and be more cautious to not suffer the pain of being broken heart for the rest of your life.
You had a few dates and perhaps were flirty at times while you waited for the right person and the one you would love to spend the rest of your life with. You had a lot of fun but had some struggles throughout this time. You fell in love and fell in love and got married when you thought you would never be.
It was initially more magical than romantic poetry that were popular in the past. Sexual sex was not just common however, it was equally enjoyable. It was impossible to keep your eyes and hands away from each other. After a few years, you’ve moved on. Your relationship changed when children were born, work were changed, and the responsibilities grew. Safety, companionship and obligations have replaced the excitement. The days of exploring exciting interesting things about each other were over. Sexual relations were no longer as thrilling or frequent. It was now an everyday occurrence. There was a chance at times you could have been married to the wrong person. The flower was removed from the rose, and you didn’t know the reason.
Return to the issue of the biological program. Mother Nature thought that your relationship was a success because it accomplished the goal that was done: placing offspring in an environment that was safe and supportive in which they could develop into adults and continue the cycle of love. Mother Nature didn’t seem to be concerned about your relationship so long as you could take care of your children and ensure their safety. 50 % of marriages end in divorce therefore for 50 percent of those, it seemed to be the perfect moment to start this process.
This may be to be a bit sad. There’s good news, and it’s not all lost. It could be the perfect moment to end a marriage for a few however, it’s also the ideal time for those who wish to revive the spark that led them to each other in the beginning. This is the main purpose of this piece dear readers. As an advanced human race, it’s your duty to design your ideal life in the way you’ve always thought of it. It’s not enough to be nice to Mother Nature.
What can you do to revive that spark of love with someone you know, and an old pair of shoes that you’ve worn for a lot of miles? The wealth you have is the story of your family, the memories and memories you’ve accumulated over the many years. If your relationship is strong, you are able to start over. It may not be the same, but it could still be superior.
You could bring out the person who was in your new love the very first time you were introduced to them, if you’re capable of doing this. The person might also wish to be seen however they aren’t sure how to do it. They might need a call or permission, or some other form of encouragement. Your experience will lead you to happiness if you pay attention to it. It’s a matter of being open and having a bit of confidence.
Keep in mind a fact you ought to have known when you first began dating that women and men have different brains. You should appeal to your partner’s logic, if you’re a woman, as this is the way he perceives his world. It is important to realize that, if you’re a male the goal of rekindling your love for each other will not be accomplished until you discover ways to trigger your partner’s emotions. This is because women are wired this way. Don’t waste the time explaining to her why you need to rekindle the fire instead, just take the initiative. Don’t just say that you are in love with her. Let her know it through your actions. She will respond if there remains any trace of the woman you used to meet.